OK, this is something I have been meaning to do for a while now, but have been prompted to do this evening.
Bear in mind, it is 12:16am and I am being kept awake by caffeine, so if I forget something, so be it.
But anyway, here is a list of documentaries that I highly recommend, they are in no specific order, except the first one is a must see…. so happy viewing…
Deliver Us From Evil
Capturing The Friedmans
Bowling For Columbine
Taxi To The Darkside
The US Vs John Lennon
Jesus Camp
One Day In September
Loose Change
Grizzly Man
Capitalism (A Love Story)
The Cove
Touching The Void
Waco The Rules Of Engagement
9/11 The Falling Man
Metallica – Some Kind Of Monster
Standard Operating Procedure
Kurt & Courtney
An Inconvenient Truth
911 Fahrenheit
A Crude Awakening
Who Killed The Electric Car
The Road To Guantanamo
Aileen Wuornos: The Selling Of A Serial Killer
The Bridge
The Corporation
White Light Black Rain
Again, these are just my suggestions, feel free to suggest ones that I have undoubtedly missed, or feel free to tell me I’m an idiot.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy them, or maybe even learn something.
Follow @madwixxy
Of this list, I’ve seen the Columbine & Fahrenheit ones by Moore (liked both) and the US v John Lennon (fascinating, and a great soundtrack).
Probably the best doco I’ve ever seen was (and my history/political bent will show here) one looking at the Eastern European revolutions of 1989. Interviewed everyone from Gorbachev, Reagan, Thatcher down to the Berlin Wall guard who opened the gate rather than fire on the crowds.
That sounds really good. I don’t suppose you remember the name of it do you?
If you want European revolutionaries, check out The Baader Meinhof Complex, theres a link to the trailer on my other movie post. If you don’t mind foreign films, it is absolutely mind blowing…