They say that justice delayed is justice avoided.

Yesterday Kathy Jackson was convicted of charges related to the theft of over $100,000 of funds from the Health Services Union.

What do you mean I just can’t take $110K?

It is worth remembering that when the allegations regarding Jackson first surfaced Kevin Rudd was Prime Minister. His first term. Since then Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd again, Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, and now Scott Morrison have called ‘The Lodge’ home.

The first article published here questioning her motives, assertions, history, and her self-appointed ‘whistleblower’ status was on the 16th May 2012.

Since then of course she’s been praised by Tony Abbott in parliament as beinga brave and decent woman’, cosy dinners with Peter Reith, had some public meltdown doorstops at the Trade Union Royal Commission, taken up the fight for a $3 Million share of a former dementia sufferers estate, taken part in a spectacular car crash episode of 4 Corners with her “c**t-struck” partner Michael Lawler (former VP of the Fair Work Commission and Tony Abbott appointee), and there have been more court appearances by her than empty promises from Scott Morrison. Well almost…

After Kathy Jackson’s conviction I spoke to the man she set out to destroy, former Labor MP Craig Thomson, who told me;

“I’ve remained consistent in my feelings towards Kathy Jackson for a long time: she’s a corrupt, vile individual, who should have focused on union workers, rather than destroying other people’s careers and reputations.”

 Now after nearly a decade of waiting, Kathy Jackson can now be called a convicted criminal.

Before I give the details I would like to apologise to all those who have requested updates on the matter as I was unable to give a proper response.

Kathy Jackson was charged with a total of 169 charges, with that number finally reduced to 70 charges. Due to the sheer number of charges and the number of witnesses involved the charges were split over two trials, the first of which commenced in October last year.

Unfortunately, everything involving the first trial was subject to a court-imposed suppression order, so legally I was unable to respond to queries, report on events, or even acknowledge there was a suppression order in place, so sorry if my standard response about Covid delays were annoying.

The second trial however was heavily delayed by Covid. It was scheduled for May but clearly, a jury was not going to be possible.

Kathy Jackson’s legal fate has been delayed by all manner of things along the way, but the Covid delay was one nobody saw coming.

During trial one Jackson faced 21 charges, eventually being found guilty of two charges of ‘obtaining financial advantage by deception’ totaling $35,100. One of these charges was for $22,000 union funds she used to pay off her ex-husband, Jeff Jackson’s, cherished Mercedes.

Jackson was due to face a jury on a further 48 charges relating to close to half a million dollars in total when jury trials could be resumed. However, this will no longer happen after a deal was struck with the prosecution that saw Jackson plead guilty to two charges totaling $67,792.85.

Some have described this deal as ‘generous’ and my view is that it should have come wrapped in a ribbon that would stretch to Cuba where her union members once paid for her to holiday.

I will have more to say about this case, but for now, I’ll revert back to the old saying. This has certainly been justice delayed, and I eagerly await sentencing in November to see if justice has indeed been avoided.

Today Kathy Jackson’s branch of the HSU, now the Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association (VAHPA) has gone from strength to strength since her departure. Today the man who replaced her as Secretary, Craig McGregor, always thinking of the members, told Independent Australia;

“Kathy Jackson is a thief and a liar. Not only has she pleaded guilty to ripping off members of the HSU Victoria no. 3 Branch, better known as VAHPA, but she has previously been ordered to repay some $1.4 million to the union — with interest and costs that is around 3 million bucks. It’s time for Kathy to do the right thing and give the members their money back.”

I hope McGregor isn’t holding his breath waiting.

Craig Thomson summed up the feelings of many today telling me;

“I am not surprised by her conviction today, and I sincerely hope her sentence matches the severity of her many crimes.”

Hopefully, we will find out soon.

2 thoughts on “Long Time Coming – Kathy Jackson Guilty

  1. About bloody time Wixxy

    Ex hubby should be charged with receiving
    One of these charges was for $22,000 union funds she used to pay off her ex-husband, Jeff Jackson’s, cherished Mercedes.

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