I have created this page in order to put all of the gathered evidence in the one place for easy access for press, police, lawyers, and those of you who are interested. I will try and organise it so it is easy to find what you are looking for, and I will add to it as more evidence comes to hand.
Craig Thomson Affidavit To Federal Court Oct 2015
TURC Counsel Assisting Jeremy Stoljar Submission re HSU
Counsel Assisting Submissions HSU 2 October 2015
Private Correspondence Between Royal Commission Kathy Jackson and Michael Lawler
The Commissioners Interim Report 19th December 2014
Craig Thomson Address To Parliament
Craig Thomson Parliamentary Address
Royal Commission Witness Statements
Mark Hardacre Witness Statement
Marco Bolano Witness Statement
Katrina Hart Witness Statement
Reuben Dixon Witness Statement
Katharine Wilkinson Witness Statement
Craig McGregor Witness Statement
Kathy Jackson Witness Statement
Statements 25th August 2014
Leonie Flynn Supplementary Statement
Statements 26th August 2014
Statement of Kimberley Kitching
Supplementary Statement of Gerard John Hayes 25 August 2014
Statements 27th August 2014
Supplementary Statement of Chris Brown (including annexures)_redacted
Witness Statement of Peter Mylan (2)_redacted
Statement of Christopher Brown as tendered
Royal Commission Submissions
Royal Commission Transcripts
17 June Wilkinson Holt Agostinelli McGregor
Jeff Jackson Files
Dianna Asmar Letter To Jeff Jackson
Jeff Jackson Rorting Union Document
Jeff Jackson $58K Loan Remittance
FWA Investigation in Vic No.1 Branch – Final Report – March 2012
FWA media release HSU 19 Sep 2012
Complaints To Fair Work Australia and Police re alleged Jackson actions
Peter Mylan letter to Guidice FWA President
Craig Thomsons Lawyers Letter to General Manager of FWA
Complaint to Vic Police re kathy Jackson
Kathy Jacksons Volvo and the mismatching receipt and payment
Letter From Mylan to Volvo Dealer
Volvo Receipt and EFT Transfer
Letter From Mylan to Volvo Dealer
Payments to and company info for Kathy and Jeff Jacksons Neranto no 10 Pty Ltd
Jacskon Neranto Cheque remittances
Jackson Neranto Cheque Requisistions
Payments to Koukouvaos Pty Ltd (Kathy Jacksons former company) and Jeff Jacksons Resignation
Jeff Jackson Resignation and Koukouvaos Payments
Credit Card and Bank Statements and Summaries
Jeff Jackson Credit Card Details
Kathy Jackson Credit Card Payments and Branch 3 wages
Statements HSU 3 Branch July 09 to July 2010
HSU 3 Branch Cheque Account Breakdown
Rob Elliott (Craig Thomsons predecessor)
Rob Elliott Contract Rob Elliott email to Kathy Jackson
Kathy Jackson Expense Claims
BCOM Payments Jacksons Expense Claims Kathy Jackson Cash payments
Peter Mylan chasing details of services performed for Jackson payments
Interconsult Invoice And Letter
Kershaw Invoices Kershaw Letter
Temby Report and Temby Letters
Temby Reply To Mylan Confirming Unwillingness To Look At Jackson
Assorted Kathy Jackson Documents
$63K Honorarium Payment Kathy Jackson
Front Page K Jackson Phone Bill
HESTA Travel Payment Kathy Jackson
Kathy Jackson Child Care Payments
Kathy Jackson huge postage payment
Kathy Jackson Union Charges – 27 August 2012
PremierNetwork Services Job Sheet Jackson Destroying Evidence
Staff Complaint re Kathy Jackson shortly before Sydney police raid
FWA Vice President and K Jackson Fiancée Michael Lawlers alleged involvement
Carol Glen Complaint To FWA re Michael Lawler
HSU Complaint to FWA re Michael Lawler Interferance 15 Dec 2011
Trace Of Unlawful Entry To HSU Network
Images of Kafka file properties showing FWA and Jacksons computers accessing each other
KPMG Report Into FWA Investigation
KPMG review damning FWA Investigation
Details Of Wild Spending Reported On Branch 3 BAS Documents
Assorted Financial Statements HSU Branch 3
Questionable Transactions From Statements
HSU Branch 3 July to Sept 2005 BAS Expense Report
HSU 3 Branch BAS July-Sept 2005 expenses breakdown
Other Assorted Documents
2010 Auditors report HSU 3 Branch
Special Union Council Meeting Sept 2011
Communigraphix Invoices Credit Card
Follow @madwixxy
Thank you so much for your dedication to the truth
Nice to know, Kathy was living in such destitute circumstances. Her kids where amazed at the luxurious holiday home of Williamson. Surely she will not be allowed tpo get away with this tripe.
Does Kathy know lying under Oath is a crime?
This is a cool Wixxy,everything in the one place!! I hope your dedication to bringing Kathy Jackson and co to justice, works out for you!!!
Yeah Denis
why no mention of the gillard williamson seeems u forgot or preferto forget that
My word Kathy has been . Too busy that she only had time for a very short course at Harvard. Never finished qualifications at Monash.NO qualifications at all.. /6 weeks. What a deserving fall from grace. Lucky. Jeff.. A liar at heart, no conscious feeling for anyone. You will look good in colour teal out at Phyllis Frost Centre
Some of the links are gone – I have been grazing through the 23 thoughts on “HSU/Jacksonville Resource Page” section. e.g. http://wixxyleaks.com/2013/10/17/we-dont-need-another-hero-williamson-guilty-jackson-hailed-as-hero-by-the-right-wing-despite-evidence/
Would like to read this.
I changed from a WordPress.com site to a .org site, that may be the issue, I will find a link on IA for you while I address my site issue
Here you go Julianne, try this link