As Bill Shorten launched his campaign “One Year of Abbott Lies” to expose Tony Abbott’s broken promises within the Coalition there is a lot of anger, denial, and back-downs, many in the Coalition were hitting panic buttons.
While Bill Shorten may have created a colossal job for himself given that Tony Abbott seems to be breaking promises almost daily, the Coalition are stumbling all over themselves on a number of issues.
Joe Hockey in particular has come out with his angry pants on regarding Fairfax uncovering Treasury documents that show that Joe Hockey was aware that those who are on the lower end of the socio-economic scale would be hardest hit by the budget.
Joes defence so far has been to attack Fairfax for exposing these documents, if this had happened to a Labor Government via News Ltd I am sure he would have praised News Ltd for enlightening the public. Shooting the messenger is not only desperate, it is just plain stupid. Does Joe Hockey really think he is beyond reproach?
No matter what Sloppy Joe, Phoney Abbott, and those in the Coalition and right-wing media might have you believe, the problems facing the country are not born of economics, nor are they about the ability to govern.
The issues now confronting Australia are all about Party ideology.
Think of Eric Abetz and the ridiculous abortion linked with breast cancer interview regarding his planned attendance at an event held by the “World Congress Of Families” a right-wing religious group that has more in common with Westboro Baptists than any credible medical agency.
But still if you thought Eric Abetz made a goose of himself aligning himself with these freaks, how bad does Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews look?
Kevin Andrews is an international ambassador for the World Congress Of Families.
The World Congress Of Families are not just your average bunch of fruitcakes, they are the extra nutty type.
It is not just their strange and scientifically disproven views on breast cancer and abortion either. Although if one ever wanted to know what type of organisation would try to milk a disease that kills thousands of women each year to their own advantage and misconstrue it to suit their political agenda, one needs look no further than the World Congress Of Families.
The World Congress Of Families are anti-divorce, anti-contraception, anti-abortion, anti the womans right to choose, and anti-most of the things that women have fought for decades to achieve.
They are also extremely opposed to homosexuality, and radically opposed to anything that may see same-sex couples less discriminated against.
However what I find most alarming is how much this group is opposed to single mothers and how they believe that single mothers are one of societies biggest drain on resources as well as damaging to societies moral fabric. They are portrayed by this group as nothing more than a scourge on society at large.
I find this alarming as the groups Australian ambassador Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews, is the Minister that controls the welfare payments for single parents and family payments.
I don’t think I would be alone in finding it entirely inappropriate that we would have a Minister in charge of the living standards of citizens he promotes hate speech against.
This would be along the lines of having a misogynist as Minister for Women. Oh, hang on…
We all know about the proposed changes to section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. The changes that were being pushed by Attorney General George Brandis because he thought that every Australian had the right to be a bigot, especially Andrew Bolt.
Although the rug was eventually pulled out from under him on this matter, it is clear from his comments that his changes were based on ideology rather than any real need for change.
Perhaps one of the best examples that shows how decisions are being made based on ideology rather than advice or logic is the Coalitions answer to the unemployment rate.
Recently the unemployment rate was shown to have skyrocketed to 6.4%. That is up approximately 28% from when Labor was running the country and the real adults were in charge.
So what is the plan that is going to see one million jobs created as Abbott promised during his election campaign?
Employment Minister Eric Abetz has a plan, and that is working for the dole. To his credit Abetz has been consistent in ignoring every piece of professional advice offered by experts on the subject. Mr Abetz has instead taken the view based on his ideology that punishing the unemployed into employment will work better than creating jobs.
In fact, so confident is Abetz that it doesn’t seem to matter that every job being done by a welfare recipient is one job less for a hopeful employee or small business.
Yet another example of this ideological approach to policy is the utter gall of Joe Hockey.
His callous disregard for those families who are struggling with the cost of living by forcing them do the heavy lifting while the rich get off lightly was recently exposed. Joes answer to this was to lash out at the media for daring to question him. Remember this is a government that were elected for claiming they would lower the cost of living, so far the cost of living has only risen along with unemployment levels.
With the cost of living already rising, we need to be paying more for petrol like we need a gammy leg. However that won’t stop Mr Hockey as he seeks to increase the fuel excise.
But that doesn’t matter, poor people either don’t have cars or don’t drive far according to Sloppy Joe.
Although as the picture below tells us, they certainly drive to the doctor out west, luckilly Joe plans to slug them with a sick tax.
Some of Sydney’s poorest areas with some of the most struggling families living in what is close to poverty, or some beyond it, these areas must be attractive to the rich folk. I can only come to this conclusion as whenever I drive through one of these areas there seem to be a lot of cars about. By Sloppy Joes logic these must be rich folk going there to have a look around, perhaps stopping by for a picnic or something, as in these areas residents certainly wouldn’t own a car, or drive it as far as the shops.
Unbeknownst to Mr Hockey, the fact is most of us do drive, while those in the lower socio-economic areas tend to drive further because they are in outer suburbs and have less access to public transport.
Joe may not be aware of it, but there is an entire industry surrounding poor people and car ownership. It is the repossession industry and thanks to a new Federal government, rising unemployment, and the rising cost of living and cost of doing business, it is boom time in this industry.
Maybe that’s Abbott’s one million jobs plan, one million new repo men?
Joe also forgets that people in the poorer suburbs still eat, and buy groceries that have the cost of freight built into their pricing. Increasing freight costs by raising the fuel excises impacts on grocery prices.
With State elections fast approaching in both NSW and Victoria it is worth reminding ourselves of the Liberal Party ideology so that we can decide for ourselves who has our best interests in mind and who is trying to lead us up the garden path.
Victoria I’m sure has similar regions to some of those that I will be talking about in NSW.
We hear an awful lot about Sydney’s Western Suburbs every time there is an Election be it state or federal.
In the upcoming NSW election there will be two areas of the state that receive a lot of special attention, one is the Newcastle/Hunter region and the other is of course Western Sydney.
Both of these regions on low on the socio-economic scale, both are full of struggling families, both struggle with high unemployment particularly youth unemployment, and both have recently felt the sting of Liberal controlled councils on top of a Liberal State Government.
In the Newcastle region we have seen the railway no longer going all the way into Newcastle, as the last two stations are to be closed so the land can be sold off to developers, and we have those in the outer regions of the Hunter area scared to death from the threat of Coal Seam Gas Miners as they sniff at farmers gates. The now conservative controlled region has also seen little or nothing done to curb the youth unemployment crisis that has hit the area.
What they have seen is two of their Liberal Party State MP’s resign from parliament after evidence of corruption aired against them at ICAC which will force a bi-election in the coming weeks in two seats. They have also heard evidence of the Newcastle’s City Mayor handing out bags of cash to these corrupt politicians which is alleged to have come via developers. All of this while public services such as the railway are being taken from the community and handed over to developers.
Welcome to Conservative Newcastle.
In Sydney’s West we also face a skyrocketing youth unemployment crisis.
For those wealthy enough to afford a car, or to be able to drive further than around the block, we not only face Sloppy Joes increased fuel tax, but we are also told that the Liberals want to reintroduce the toll onto the M4, which will drastically increase the cost of transport for some, and further assist in efforts to make Parramatta Rd even more of a congested bottleneck.
We have seen the contempt that the Liberals have for those of us that live in the area by the way Liberal controlled councils have treated their citizens.
In Blacktown for example the council are kicking residents out of their homes, they have attempted to close down child care centres, they have closed down one public pool and seek to close another, they have jacked up the council rates for pensioners by scrapping the pensioner discount, and they are currently seeking to strip 30 parks from the public. One Liberal councilor even made disgusting derogatory comments in council that I won’t repeat about aged pensioners and those with disabilities, these comments led to a walkout by Labor councilors forcing the meeting to be shut down due to not having enough councilors present to form a quorum.
Closing parks, pools, and child care centres and opening them up to developers may seem extreme to some, but not when you have a Mayor like Liberal Len Robinson with a strata-management background.
It would seem that these Liberals have an ideological desire to treat those who are struggling as pawns in their chess game of life. Just things to be shuffled about and sacrificed to protect the King, which of course is the almighty dollar, or on occasion some sort of perverted religious or discriminatory belief.
People however have wised up since the last time we voted.
People have seen the attitudes of those in charge in Canberra, and people have smelt the stench of corruption on a massive scale from Liberal Party headquarters in NSW.
I think the upcoming bi-elections in Newcastle and Charlestown we be a telling litmus test and will give a great indication of just how duped Australia feels.
Bring it on.
Follow @madwixxy
I suppose the people of Western Sydney got what they wished for, therefore it’s hard to have any sympathy for them, after all, they overwhelmingly voted for this government, they deserve whatever medicine is dished up to them, at the next election they might think twice before they vote.
… i love much of your work Peter, but your political pieces are not convincing … you claim the ALP is an alternative to the Coalition … might i suggest you examine and comapre a list of party donors ALP Vs Coalition … the same suspects in a (slightly) different order … which demonstratively equates to the same narrative – with a slightly different spin.
the Canberra Lawyers Club (parliament) is nothing but a nose bag and a set of blinkers … full of sell-outs, greedy self interested prigs … whether their ties be red or blue.
we need a democratic revolution where the general public vote for someone who is going to actually represent their electorate – not the current crop of rotten stoolies that Big Businesses pays to keep the status-quo. look at them .. this method is clearly NOT WORKING.
people will vote for you Peter – from what i read your heart is in the right place. run as a socially concerned independent … offer to actually represent your electorate (what a wonderful point of difference) … that would be a step in a better direction.
good luck …
Unfortunately hopeful politicians need to receive donations otherwise nobody will know they are running…
I think ICAC has highlighted the differences between the two major parties and where their donations come from
with due credit to the nice woman at my local servo who gave me then flintstone future for the poor of australia
Well Peter here on the Central Coast we seem t have voted in at leapt eight dummies, all ma,edf bny ICAC. All resigned, two from parliament,.
We also seem to have, I the local rags are correct hundreds of million of Chinese Investment’s. They range from at Chinese entertainment park at Warnervale to what I consider two towers, massive in height and ugly the Entrance. There is a coal mine or two in the offering. How do we know, there is no corruption.
Is it true, that thy intend to i put a toll back on road, that we on the Central coast aid for a generation AGO,
Where is the public transport., that is badly needed between Newcast6lew and Sydney?
then perhaps Peter on August 14, 2014, we need a system review.
it would appear as though i am not alone in my assessment.
Despite the Australian Electoral Commission publishing a yearly list of political donors, it is often difficult to ascertain who made the donation, as political parties sometimes use associated entities as front organisations to hide the source of the donations.
Front organisations such as the Cormack Foundation and John Curtin House Limited provide individuals and corporations with a means of passing funds to the major parties anonymously. Under the current electoral act, these organizations are not required to disclose where the donations came from. Associated entities have become huge political donors in Australia, in 2003-2004 donating $72.6 million to political parties
The Australian Shareholders Association has called for political donating to end, arguing that the donations are a gift and a form of bribery.
Former Qantas chief, John Menadue, said:
“Corporate donations are a major threat to our political and democratic system, whether it be state governments fawning before property developers, the Prime Minister providing ethanol subsidies to a party donor, or the immigration minister using his visa clientele to tap into ethnic money.”
Political researchers Sally Young and Joo-Cheong Tham from the Australian National University concluded:
“There is inadequate transparency of funding. Moreover, there is a grave risk of corruption as undue influence due to corporate contributions and the sale of political access.”
Some critics say Australia should follow the example of the United Kingdom, where corporate donors must disclose their political donations in the company’s annual report to shareholders.
Other critics have called for limits to cap the amount that corporations and unions can donate to political parties, similar to the $5000 personal donation limit in Canada, with a virtual ban on union and corporate donations.Some point to the success New Zealand has had, limiting the amount of money that political parties can spend on their election campaigns.
and this … from the ABC
Corporate donors spread money evenly
Big corporate donors are present in the declarations of both major parties: the chicken and turkey producer Inghams Enterprises found $250,000 each for Labor and the Liberals, while retail giant Westfield Limited gave $150,000 each, and ANZ bank gave $80,000 to both parties.
The information covers the 2012-13 financial year, so it does not take into account the final months of fundraising in the lead-up to the September election.
it is time we commenced a review of what is clearly a system error – rather than accept a corrupted narrative.
I would certainly back any review…
It certainly makes a compelling case for non partisan public funding of election campaigns
on Saturday, February 13. He had been visiting a lu | See more about Gay Marriage, Supreme Court and Gay. … Associate Justice Antonin Scalia SCALIA: MARRIAGE RULING ‘THREAT TO DEMOCRACY’ More ….. Domenic Fammartino …… The NRA Probably Need To Look At The Data Around Australia’s Gun Laws. If that be the case, Russia and China will work with Recep Tayyip Erdogan … All this after what I believe was a successful assassination of Antonin Scalia. …… fammartino 27/5/1970 armed guard and cash in transit victoria australia …… In legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s .Same-sex marriage is now the law of the land due to the Supreme Court’s ruling last …. I grew up with the one thing that sets Australia apart from almost any other …… U.S Appeal Circuit Senior Judge Daniel Anthony Manion …… Domenic Fammartino ….. Justice Antonin Scalia ; Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies ; Obama …Evidence from the English Common Law, Court Case Law Precedents, The …… fammartino 27/5/1970 armed guard and cash in transit victoria australia …… about illegal immigration, urban crime, civil unions and same-sex marriage. …… Justice Antonin Scalia wrote a dissenting opinion, which was joined by Justice Thomas.Anthony Hecht. IT COORDINATOR …. Alabama voters and protect their elected judge- ships. … tonin Scalia—dissented from the court’s refusal to block … states on whether same-sex marriage bans are permitted …… a (Triple Door) Since 1980, Australian celestial-rock icons the ….. Fammartino Quartet, 9 pm.Gun Reform, Political Truths, Enjoy Guns, Fewer Guns, Gun Control, A Guy Who …. 47.7k 321 103 Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia bluntly told law students at the University of Hawaii last year that internment …. Domenic Fammartino …… Son Pays Tribute to Justice Antonin Scalia at Funeral – Australia Network News.Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told University of Hawaii law students that internment camps to ….. Regulate all gun sales – and hold every gun owner responsible for any harm his/her gun inflicts on somebody! … Domenic Fammartino …… Son Pays Tribute to Justice Antonin Scalia at Funeral – Australia Network News.Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice for the U.S. Supreme Court, was found dead of apparent natural causes on Saturday, February 13. … Stand The Wall: SCALIA DEATH: JUDGE LIKELY VIOLATED LAW ….. Domenic Fammartino …… Another Pinner said: AUSTRALIA gun ban stats…..while in England the ban on guns saw …”“Another joint proposal calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate … Students told to refer to Australia as “invaded” or “colonized” rather than “settled.” +3 ….. Republican House majority benches C-SPAN during sit-in over gun legislation – FIRST AMENDMENT COALITION …… Domenic Fammartino. 6 time Gold Medal Shooter Takes Aim at Gun Control Supporters …… Domenic Fammartino …. It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to …… Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia released a statement through the Federalist Society calling …In legislative halls and courts of justice, commandment-keepers will be censured ….. The conflict started when a male funeral director, Anthony Stephens, …. It is my duty to report any wrongdoing against the Australian People …… Domenic Fammartino ….. Justice Antonin Scalia ; Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies ; Obama …Alongside the formal control it exerted over its own colonies, British … Later in the war, when the Machine Gun Corps and the Tank Corps were added to the …… All this after what I believe was a successful assassination of Antonin Scalia. …… antonio fammartino 27/5/1970 armed guard and cash in transit victoria australia …Unlike Obama’s gun control proposals, armed citizens can stop mass shooters who are invisible until they strike. ….. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after …… Domenic Fammartino ….. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia released a statement through the Federalist Society …Domenic Fammartino – armed vehicle operator; vip personal protection; risk assesment … All restraints upon man’s natural liberty, not necessary for the simple maintenance of justice, are of the nature of slavery, and differ …. Antonin Scalia.User talk:Domenic antonin scalia fammartino · User talk:Domenic antonin scalia fammartino (edit | subject | history | links | watch | logs). Temporary full …User talk:Domenic antonin scalia fammartino (no abortion rights in this … courts were designed to achieve and fair justice must always prevail ..Towleroad presents a list of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s 7 most hateful, homophobic and anti-gay ….. Domenic Fammartino … The founding fathers did not see the same need to preserve an illusion that the Court is above politics.Scalia fought to prevent judges from imposing the latest political or legal fads … President Ronald Reagan speaks with Supreme Court nominee Antonin Scalia, right, … Today, constitutional theory orbits around Justice Scalia.
Andrew Bolt case shouldn’t frame 18C debate, media industry says. 11 months ago . ….. Alexander Street · Judge Garry Neilson · Judge Suzanne Jones … Federal Court judge Mordy Bromberg has found right-wing scribe Andrew … who brought the case on behalf of nine fair-skinned members of the … with the previous section, 18C, dealing with racial offensiveness. ….. No doubt Jones, Hadley, Price and Co will join the chorus in … And my Families love me). Table 2.2: Federal Circuit Court Judges, 30 June 2014 31. Table 3.1: … Table 3.3: Family law and general federal law applications filed 2013-14 40. Table 3.4: …. CMJ Case Management Judge. CSSMG …… Suzanne Jones Melbourne 3 June 2013. Nicholas …… Other expenses – refunds of fees 18C 283.
ParlInfo – Federal Circuit Court of Australia—Report for 2014-15 Federal Circuit Court Judges, 30 June 2015 39. Table 3.1: … Table 3.3: Family law and general federal law applications filed 2014-15 48. Table 3.4: … Figure 3.2: Case management approach diagram 50. Figure 3.3: …… Suzanne Jones Melbourne 3 June 2013 …… Other expenses – refunds of fees 18C 270 283 . – Bob Day on freedom of speech and section 18c … … GEORGE Brandis: Was Ms Suzanne Jones on the initial short list? … the court is that the court was looking in this particular case for a family law specialist to handle the family law list, … Her prize is the $314,000 job as a judge of the Federal Circuit Court. Enforcement of certain Children’s Court orders in the family law courts………… 551. 15. Child protection and the criminal justice system . …… One of the Inquiry’s case studies highlighted the difficulty in finding stable and …… 53 CREATE Foundation , 2008, op. cit., p.18; C Forbes, B Inder and S Raman, …… Ms Angela Jones.Judge Suzanne Jones – Federal Circuit Court of Australia Archive | Judge Suzanne Jones RSS feed for this archive … appointed as a judge of the Federal Circuit Court even though she does not have the experience. … Malcolm Turnbull donates $1 million because corrupt Liberals have $4.4 mill … Fairfax Media · Family Court of Australia · Federal Circuit Court of …
Prime Minister Julia Gillard bribed ACTU Secretary – In this case Chief Judge John Pascoe, Susan Morgan who is a retired Family … Suzanne Jones appointment as judge of the Federal Circuit Court. Suzanne Jones has no experience in Family Law which will make up 80 to 85% of …. but if now the suggestion is that there were some corruption involved—.
the right to remAin SiLent? PrivAcy, mediA And freedom of SPeech Similar
Victorian Law Reform Commission – Surveillance in Public Places: Final …… report informed the drafting of the Criminal Justice (Surveillance) Act 2009 which …… the public request footage a court order is requested.104 To date Etihad has not ….. in family disputes.151 Family violence victims, for example, have used covert. Formerly Justice of the Federal Court of Australia … for a robust conception of freedom of speech, and a repeal of s 18C, as the most effective way of … reading of a set of historical cases on the division of family property in Australia …… enunciation of constitutional rights against corruption in high places. …… See also Jones v. – Apparently not Andrew Bolt, who wouldnt recognise a conservative if he … Other ‘ confidences’ will be revealed – and those who fear exposure may …. wife Suzanne Jones was appointed as a judge of the Federal Circuit Court . Adding to the discontent are Nelson’s perceived confederates: Andrew Bolt, the … one, “and you want me to waste it by criticising the people who are going to judge it? …. Jones, however, did excel in fighting the ARGC’s corner in public. … of enduring fame called ‘Motherhood in Ancient Rome’, by ANU’s Suzanne It’s not surprising that David Jones chose Goodes as a brand …… the ‘child’ is a racist little trollop mate and the Magistrate would have …… Suzanne: ….. is not perfect and freedom of speech is not the domain of Andrew Bolt.
The Australian sensors obviously prefer bitching over leaders to caring for the dead. …. The judge in the case said that Bolt had contravened section 18 (c) of . … Andrew Bolt case shouldn’t frame 18C debate, media industry says. ….. opinion and was joined by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, and Sonia Sotomayor. Ginsburg is a warning that the highest court is anti-Trump Left. Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun … US Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who has surely now disqualified herself from any case involving a Donald Trump administration: Mr. Trump’s “Mexican” slur about federal judge Gonzalo Curiel is the most … You only have to look at Brombergs biased findings in the Bolt case judges are prone to … the American Judicial system is different to Australia’s and so is the …. famous notion — often invoked by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and …Unlike many of her Supreme Court colleagues, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has never been shy about her views. … made could be seen as grounds for her to recuse herself from cases involving a future Trump administration. (3) We still need race hate laws – Colin Rubenstein (of Australia/Israel … former chief justice of NSW, and now Chairman of the ABC, has mounted a …. Ruth Bader Ginsberg, one of the Supreme Court’s two Jewish Justices). …. columnist Andrew Bolt on Aboriginal approaches to self-identification to.”In any case, the police must follow a legal process in order to require ….. joined by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, and Sonia Sotomayor. …. The audience and speakers were also there to support columnist Andrew Bolt who has … us section 18C and in some circumstances makes hurting someone …Judge Simon Jack said in the adoption case heard in Hull: ‘I found it very ….. With only 2 per cent of Australian men serving as the primary carers of their …… Think for example of the case of Andrew Bolt, the columnist-cum-provocateur. …… in part, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has said, because there was no conflict in the …Through Rhodes, the feds assembled a serious case against Tyler. …. How about Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the 82-year-old US Justice of the Supreme Court who …… While the Australia Council and the NPEA will coexist, this new body …. so closely tied to the court case against News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt that it was …Case: 14-35420 06/19/2014 ID: 9139479 DktEntry: 22-1 Page: 1 of 6 …… Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment: A Question ….. judge the constitutional sufficiency of the reasons sustaining the people’s choice of …… Weaken Marriage as a Social Institution: A Reply to Andrew Koppelman, 2 U. St. Wikimedia CommonsHere’s a belated update to a case Reason covered ….. Credit: Corey Oakley / photo on flickrAustralia this week provides another … The hate speech component of the law falls under 18C, making it a crime to …… reports that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg “sees an inconsistency” between …ISLAMABAD Former Pakistan chief justice Iftikhar Muham- ….. conservative columnist named Andrew … Bolt case wrote: “European and Aus- … of those in Australia who, on one hand, … der 18C. What couldn’t be done with a. Kalashnikov in Paris could be …… Justice Ruth Bader. Ginsburg wrote a pointed. Andrew Bolt communicates his views through a range of media platforms. … their action under 18C have no equivalent capacity to respond. Indeed, until the outcome of their case, had the community heard the other side to what Bolt had … Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recent declaration that …Brock Turner case: Judge launches fight against recall …… NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione denies telling the police operational commander …. RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) – Usain Bolt drew down the curtain on his brilliant Olympic …… Kate McKinnons Ruth Bader Ginsburg Crashes the RNC, Goes After Trump. to make the case for a business, business and …… 37 34 .18 c 24 7 …… Australia. 1.0047. 1.0058. Bahrain .3771 .3771. Brazil. 1.6833 …… eral Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg …… back Andrew Luck announced …… Bolt Action.Andrew Young (1) ….. The Martin case, being heard by Circuit Judge Terry Lewis, was still in the …… 22:02:18 C: well Gwen, I uh.. not familiar with his cases, my …… John Paul Stevens , David Souter , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Stephen …… The U.S.- backed resolution submitted by Australia, Canada and …Andrew Robinson, Communications …. Court Justice. Ruth Bader Ginsburg express- ….. the case. The Justice Depart- ment must weigh the charges …… Portland, Ore. 25 16 sh. 25 16 pc. Rio de Janeiro. 21 16 pc. 22 18 c …… rolet Bolt electric cars are be- …… CoreLogic May Home Value Index (Australia);.In either case, the target child’s response to the “incident” is carefully ….. of their Marshall office—because it is “blessed with outstanding judges who ….. by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, and Sonia Sotomayor. …. The audience and speakers were also there to support columnist Andrew Bolt who has …In the case of financial institutions today, a breakup of a large bank would mean …… The term bolt-on acquisition …… This application is used to effect a transaction under section 18(c) of the …… As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote in Watters v. ….. In the Morrison case, an Australian acquirer (National …Rifleman Martin Jon Lamb from 1st Battalion The Rifles, Craftsman Andrew Found from …… At the conclusion of the case, Polanski read a statement, saying in part, “The … William Buckley was an English convict who was transported to Australia, …… Ruth Bader Ginsburg holding on by the skin of her teeth; not only induce …16 Administrative Law SIDEBAR BRIEFING A CASE Courts often issue …… Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Samuel Alito. …… Two-Thirds) Great Britain Denmark Austria Australia Iceland France Belgium …… Andrew Jackson persuaded the states to choose their presidential electors a. on …What follows here is a random selection of comments from both mainstream media, web sites, journals … Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act silenced Andrew Bolt. ….. Alexander Street · Judge Garry Neilson · Judge Suzanne Jones .Andrew Bolt lost and without a doubt the judgement was a true and just judgement. … That being freedom of speech, defamation and fair comment. …. Mr Bolt and the Herald & Weekly Times have contravened section 18C of the ….. Court’s Justice Hoeben · 2GB’s Alan Jones sent love letters to a school boy. News Corp commentator Andrew Bolt has been using his TV show The Bolt … For example comments on Twitter and websites etc have included: …. as he claims he no longer moderates his own blog since the 18C court case. ….. Alan Jones is under investigation by NSW Police for statutory rape of boys in …
Any person who –
(i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power THE hallmark of the entire judicial system is to assure everyone a full and fair hearing. If everyone is not afforded that fundamental fairness before it is determined whether someone is innocent or guilty, liable or not liable, then we are left with an unfair process.That process may never allow subjectivity, prejudice, and arbitrariness to replace fairness.the role of a judge is to be totally unbiased towards either party and not allow political or out side influences to effect there decision making. rules of natural justice are to act fairly, without bias, and the right of all parties to be heard. a courts duty of care which causes damage or loss to safety or welfare of themselves or family must never be accepted Basically, someone commits perjury if they lie in their evidence in a court or tribunal on any important issue. It applies to all courts including the family court. “When injustice becomes law, ONES HUMANS RIGHTS HAVE BEEN BREACHED.It is never appropriate for any party, or any legal practitioner, to attempt to contact a Judge directly about a matter for which the Judge is responsible.
It is not usually appropriate for any party (or any legal practitioner) to contact an associate of a judge about a matter unless all parties are in agreement that this is appropriate and for good reason. If agreement cannot be reached and the issue cannot otherwise be resolved then the Associate may be contacted to arrange for the matter to be listed for directions provided that all parties are advised of the request
Should it become necessary to contact a Judge (through an Associate) about any substantive issue relating to a matter, it is expected that:
* The party and/or practitioner seeking to contact the Associate will first contact each other party or practitioner involved in the case. Any necessary communication will thereafter be joint and in writing.
* In the event that genuine urgency, or other good reason, is said to prevent a joint written communication occurring, the person seeking to contact an Associate should first seek, in writing, consent from each other party/practitioner to contact being made and provide full details of the reason for, and nature of, the intended communication.
* In cases of genuine urgency or in the event that consent is not forthcoming within a reasonable period of time, contact with an Associate should be made, in writing, and contemporaneously, a copy of that communication forwarded to each other party/practitioner.
* A party should not seek to have oral communication with an Associate about any substantive issue unless there are extraordinary circumstances.
* In all cases (unless there are clearly exceptional circumstances) communication from an Associate to parties and/or practitioners about a matter should occur in writing and be sent contemporaneously to all parties/practitioners.
Associates will continue to contact practitioners and parties for the purpose of compliance checks or to check the status of a matter or in accordance with directions of the Court. In such cases, all parties will be contacted and associates are not permitted to give legal advice.. SLAVERY
Any person who –
(i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power THE hallmark of the entire judicial system is to assure everyone a full and fair hearing. If everyone is not afforded that fundamental fairness before it is determined whether someone is innocent or guilty, liable or not liable, then we are left with an unfair process.That process may never allow subjectivity, prejudice, and arbitrariness to replace fairness.the role of a judge is to be totally unbiased towards either party and not allow political or out side influences to effect there decision making. rules of natural justice are to act fairly, without bias, and the right of all parties to be heard. a courts duty of care which causes damage or loss to safety or welfare of themselves or family must never be accepted Basically, someone commits perjury if they lie in their evidence in a court or tribunal on any important issue. It applies to all courts including the family court. “When injustice becomes law, ONES HUMANS RIGHTS HAVE BEEN BREACHED.It is never appropriate for any party, or any legal practitioner, to attempt to contact a Judge directly about a matter for which the Judge is responsible.
It is not usually appropriate for any party (or any legal practitioner) to contact an associate of a judge about a matter unless all parties are in agreement that this is appropriate and for good reason. If agreement cannot be reached and the issue cannot otherwise be resolved then the Associate may be contacted to arrange for the matter to be listed for directions provided that all parties are advised of the request
Should it become necessary to contact a Judge (through an Associate) about any substantive issue relating to a matter, it is expected that:
* The party and/or practitioner seeking to contact the Associate will first contact each other party or practitioner involved in the case. Any necessary communication will thereafter be joint and in writing.
* In the event that genuine urgency, or other good reason, is said to prevent a joint written communication occurring, the person seeking to contact an Associate should first seek, in writing, consent from each other party/practitioner to contact being made and provide full details of the reason for, and nature of, the intended communication.
* In cases of genuine urgency or in the event that consent is not forthcoming within a reasonable period of time, contact with an Associate should be made, in writing, and contemporaneously, a copy of that communication forwarded to each other party/practitioner.
* A party should not seek to have oral communication with an Associate about any substantive issue unless there are extraordinary circumstances.
* In all cases (unless there are clearly exceptional circumstances) communication from an Associate to parties and/or practitioners about a matter should occur in writing and be sent contemporaneously to all parties/practitioners.
Associates will continue to contact practitioners and parties for the purpose of compliance checks or to check the status of a matter or in accordance with directions of the Court. In such cases, all parties will be contacted and associates are not permitted to give legal advice.
“The Founding Fathers were, as in most things, profoundly right. … … But, changing the words they use to describe their actions doesn’t changeI founding father of social justice.
THE PROBLEM IS THIS SHOCKING Section 18C THIS IS AUSTRALIAS MAJOR PROBLEM. IT makes it unlawful to “offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate” a person because of their “race, colour or national or ethnic origin”.political activists and their lawyers have come to realise that section 18C can be used to aggressively pursue political goals.Too often the law is being used opportunistically. Section 18C is being used not as a shield but as a weapon. In silencing, or threatening to silence, opponents in a debate using legal means, complainants remove the possibility of debate. It’s unhealthy and it’s undemocratic. it prevents discussion of many issues and that should be of concern to all Australians. So ridiculous is the application of Australian racial vilification laws that they can now be used to punish anti-racist sentiment. We are all diminished when anyone’s freedom of speech is taken away. Even if the law never prevents us from saying things we might want to say, today it certainly prevents us from hearing things which we might want or need to hear. It prevents us from knowing what our fellow citizens believe. It denies us the opportunity to refine our thinking and develop our own ideas. Freedom of speech and freedom of thought are inseparable. For as long as I am in this place, I will stand up for free speech. WHEN IS THE WORLD GOING TO UNDERSTAND WE ARE ALL ONE RACE THE HUMAN RACE. The way australia has become with this identity politics political correctness gender politics it is a disgracefull agenda that has to stop.
“The great achievement of the English-speaking people is the attainment of liberty through law. It is natural, therefore, that those who have been trained in the law should have borne an important part in that struggle for liberty and in the government which resulted …
Instead of holding a position of independence, between the wealthy and the people, prepared to curb the excesses of either, able lawyers have, to a large extent, allowed themselves to become adjuncts of great corporations and have neglected the obligation to use their powers for the protection of the people. We hear much of the ‘corporation lawyer,’ and far too little of the ‘people’s lawyer.’ The great opportunity of the American Bar is and will be to stand again as it did in the past, ready to protect also the interests of the people.” At the foundation of our civil liberties lies the principle that denies to government officials an exceptional position before the law and which subjects them to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen.”
“They cannot be worthy of the respect and admiration of the people unless they add to the virtue of obedience some other virtues—the virtues of manliness, of truth, of courage, of willingness to risk positions, of the willingness to risk criticism, of the willingness to risk the misunderstanding that so often comes when people do the heroic thing.” “the law has everywhere a tendency to lag behind the facts of life.” “chip away at the assumption that the principles of law should be unchanging” and “break the traditional hold on legal thinking and work to harmonize the law with the needs of the community.” “[The founding fathers] conferred, as against the Government, the right to be left alone — the right most valued by civilized men.”
“If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.”
“Those who won our independence… valued liberty as an end and as a means. They believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty.” “The general rule of law is, that the noblest of human productions — knowledge, truths ascertained, conceptions, and ideas — become, after voluntary communication to others, free as the air to common use.” “In the frank expression of conflicting opinions lies the greatest promise of wisdom in governmental action.”The government is the potent omnipresent teacher. For good or ill it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that the end justifies the means — to declare that the government may commit crimes — would bring terrible retribution.””Those who won our independence by revolution were not cowards. They did not fear political change. They did not exalt order at the cost of liberty. To courageous, self-reliant men, with confidence in the power of free and fearless reasoning applied through the processes of popular government, no danger flowing from speech can be deemed clear and present, unless the incidence of the evil apprehended is so imminent that it may befall before there is opportunity for full discussion. If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not forced silence. “The constitutional right of free speech has been declared to be the same in peace and war. In peace, too, men may differ widely as to what loyalty to our country demands, and an intolerant majority, swayed by passion or by fear, may be prone in the future, as it has been in the past, to stamp as disloyal opinions with which it disagrees.” To declare that in the administration of criminal law the end justifies the means to declare that the Government may commit crimes in order to secure conviction of a private criminal would bring terrible retribution.””At the foundation of our civil liberty lies the principle which denies to government officials an exceptional position before the law and which subjects them to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen.” “If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.” Those who won our independence believed that the final end of the state was to make men free to develop their faculties, and that in its government the deliberative forces should prevail over the arbitrary. They valued liberty both as an end and as a means. They believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty. They believed that freedom to think as you will and to speak as you think are means indispensable to the discovery and spread of political truth; that without free speech and assembly discussion would be futile; that with them, discussion affords ordinarily adequate protection against the dissemination of noxious doctrine; that the greatest menace to freedom is an inert people; that public discussion is a political duty; and that this should be a fundamental principle of the American government.” No law, written or unwritten, can be understood without a full knowledge of the facts out of which it arises, and to which it is to be applied.” “That which is man-made can be unmade.” We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.” “Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.”