In a few short weeks historic legislation comes into effect in Victoria. July 1st marks the day that much of the Andrews Labor government’s puppy farm legislation will start to become noticeable to the public.

On July 1 there will no longer be any doggies in the window of pet stores in Victoria, with the sale of dogs and cats no longer allowed in retailers. Stores can however still run adoption days.

Puppy farmers will also have to start reducing their breeding dog numbers. They need to have their numbers down to 10 females by April 2020. Any who seek to have more than 10 female dogs will need to apply for approval from the Agriculture Minister to allow them to keep up to 50 and comply with a higher standard of welfare.

One puppy farmer who is likely to be applying to the Minister for approval to hold the extra breeding stock is Matt Hams of Banksia Park Puppies.

One goes for the jugular - Matt Hams Image - ABC

One goes for the jugular – Matt Hams
Image – ABC

Matt Hams is a member of the board of PIAA (Pet Industry Association of Australia), the chief lobby group for puppy farmers and pet stores in Australia. Banksia Park Puppies is one of the countries largest puppy farms, and on its website is described like this;

“Banksia Park Puppies is a family company managed by Matthew Hams…”

The “about us” section of their website then goes on to talk about Matt’s family and their involvement in the business.

However, one member of Matt’s family that doesn’t get a mention is his puppy farmer relative Pam Edwards. Pam isn’t mentioned despite appearing to be tied to the business.

Pam Edwards

Pam Edwards

Pam Edwards is from Finley, just over the border in NSW.

Last year Matt Hams invested in a property in Finley where his relative Pam lives and ran her puppy farm without a permit. The property Matt purchased is a former boarding kennel, and he also applied to council for a permit to run a dog breeding business with up to 100 breeding dogs.

Banksia Park Puppies clearly think the image of the family business is a positive one, so why is it that family member Pam isn’t mentioned?

Some of you may remember I spent a bit of time in Finley last year, looking into questionable behaviour from the Berrigan Shire Council, and investigating claims Pam Edward’s was operating a puppy farm.

Despite the denials from Pam, Berrigan Shire Council and a host of locals, it will come as no surprise to readers here that Pam was in fact running an illegal puppy farm right under the councils nose.

Last year, following complaints from Oscar’s Law, the RSPCA raided Pam Edwards property, along with two other Finley properties, showing once and for all what an exemplary job Berrigan Shire Council does for its residents and those businesses that actually make an effort to register and pay their way with taxes etc.

What the RSPCA discovered on the property of Pam Edwards was horrific. At the time of the raid, Pam was working at her job in town, ironically a medical centre, and had left the property and animals unsupervised all day. Part of her routine of irresponsibility.

The RSPCA seized a large number of breeding dogs from Pam’s property, with one in such a dire state that it had to be euthanised immediately. The photo below is indicative of the type of care Matt’s relative Pam treated her dogs to. It is also worth noting that the dog pictured below is not the one that needed euthanising.

A dog on the property of Pam Edwards Image - NSW RSPCA

A dog on the property of Pam Edwards

As a result of the raid Pam Edwards faced 13 criminal charges in court that included aggravated animal cruelty. She pleaded guilty to all charges, but was unfortunately given little more than a warning and was seen laughing with her friends as she left court.

On their website Oscar’s Law described the scene after Pam’s court appearance;

“Despite her guilty plea to cruelty charges, Pam Edwards showed absolutely no remorse for the suffering these dogs endured. In fact after the case concluded, Pam and her friends walked from court laughing, celebrating their ‘win’ and were heard joking and saying; “well wasn’t that a waste of time” whilst looking in the direction of two RSPCA inspectors.”

I’m sure the dogs seized from Pam’s property didn’t think it had been a “waste of time”.

Pam Edwards local vet vouched for her Image - NSW RSPCA

Pam Edwards local vet vouched for her

Sources had told Wixxyleaks that Matt’s father Colin Hams, who runs Banksia Park Puppies with Matt, had been seen collecting dogs from the property of Pam Edwards.

These claims were backed up by the sworn testimony of Pam Edwards, who told the court that she had “rehomed” dogs with Colin Hams.

With Pam’s breeding dogs being “rehomed” with Colin Hams it is perhaps little wonder that Banksia Park Puppies have felt the need to have a confidentaility clause agreement prepared for customers. It may also help us understand why an award-winning veterinary practice described a Banksia Park Puppies dog as a “genetic disaster”. Perhaps it may also shine a light on reports of the large volume of dogs needing euthanising on the property.

Berrigan Council says there was nothing to see here Image - NSW RSPCA

Berrigan Council says there was nothing to see here

While Pam Edwards may not own a share of the “family company” Banksia Park Puppies, she certainly appears to have a connection to it. I am of the view that it is no coincidence that she is a relative of the Hams, she was also a puppy farmer, she “rehomed” dogs with Colin Hams, and that Matt Hams purchased a property in her small town for another puppy farm.

In the end, the decision on whether this “family company” is operating ethically and is worthy of Ministerial approval to allow it to farm extra puppies in its usual manner lies with the Minister.

However most would agree this is “family company” is indicative of why these businesses should be shut down.

I hope when the time comes that the Minister agrees.


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11 thoughts on “All In The Family – The ‘family company’ of puppy farmers

  1. And of course the Agriculture Minister is entirely trustworthy……….

  2. Actually Jaala Pulford, the current one is, she fought long and hard to get this legislation up and passed. Couldn’t hope for a better Minister really

  3. I assumed it would be the Federal Minister? My mistake, thanks for putting me right!

  4. No worries, thank you.
    Gawd, if it was the Federal Minister we’d be in trouble eh?

  5. Berrigin shire council should hang its head in shame. Sadly Bathurst council has approved a puppy farm withe excuse there is no law to stop it. Nsw hang your head in shame.

  6. This is discusting. There should be a independent enquiry into this. We are responsible for this even if we are not the ones who are doing the wrong thing. If we don’t speak out and do something to stop these horrible practices we are no better than them. Lets stop it and make sure that the punishment fits the crime.

  7. You are right.

    The puppy farm approved in Bathurst is owned by John Grima, the owner of Kellyville Pets in Sydney, he is also a member of the board of PIAA, which is indicative of how much faith the public can have in that organisation

  8. The new legislation on July 1 will have no effect on these farms mentioned here. They are all over the border in NSW. This sort of thing should be bi-partisan, apolitical and interstate. Governments on all 3 levels should be working together to eliminate puppy farms of even 10 dogs! It is wrong, morally and ethically. I do not know how neighbours can allow it to happen next door.

  9. I am not sure why this legislation isn’t at a federal Level and why rescue groups were not consulted prior.. even the legislation now while better needs tightening up.. there are all these requirements but no one to follow up and councils are required to enforce…

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